Welcome to the Eagle PTO

Get involved and stay informed!

Join us in our fundraising and volunteer efforts to make a positive impact on our school community.

What do we do?

Event Planning: From family fun nights to our big Extravaganza, our events aim to bring the school community together and provide enjoyable experiences for students, parents, and teachers alike.

Fundraising Efforts: Many efforts are made to raise funds to support Eagle’s needs. From traditional methods like selling spirit wear to more creative approaches like hosting events like Jog-A-Thon, we’re committed to ensuring our students and teachers have the resources they need to succeed.

Teacher Support: We recognize the importance of supporting our teachers in their vital role. Through initiatives such as teacher appreciation events and resource allocation, we aim to show our gratitude and provide assistance wherever possible.

Volunteer Coordination: Our PTO coordinates volunteers for various school activities and events. Whether it’s helping out at fundraisers, assisting in the classroom, or participating in school events, our volunteers play a crucial role in creating our Eagle community.